Russian Super Markets

Fun times. I just spent 30 minutes in line at the super market. It went like this:

I’m in line. Some old woman tries to cheat in front of the line, waving just one liter of milk. I block her.

I realize the line I’m in is moving at a glacial speed, so I switch to another line with just 5 persons and two cashiers. As I’m too far behind in line to block her and the woman in front of me not sufficiently observant, old woman from before cheats in front of line.

After a fun 5 minutes of sending evil eyes to her, it is finally old woman’s turn. Much to the surprise of nobody, she does not just have that one liter of milk she used as an excuse to cheat in front, as she empties her bag she reveals to be carrying a ton of crap.

Old woman, also to nobody’s surprise, does not have enough money to pay for all her crap, so she needs to negotiate the price of each item. I guess, because my Russian is still at the level where I can order a beer and no more.

At the end old woman has to pay with a card. Of course she has never seen one of those before (it is relatively new here), and needs a good 5 minutes of instruction.

At this point I realize that I might actually be capable of murder, as the old woman slowly, ever so slowly, removes her crap and, still discussing with the cashier, slowly leaves. Did I mention, this all happened very slowly in slow-motion?

Woman in front of me is quick to get her stuff and pay, and finally I get out of hell.

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