The world’s platform for change

It’s well-known that evolution is largely blind to whatever happens in our lives after child-bearing age. That’s the reason old people turn racist, sick and die: evolution simply has no more use for them and doesn’t care what happens after the awkward teenage sex-having. The solution is obvious: motivate evolution to favorize moving child-bearing to […]

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Does the Netherlands have special rules for putting up flags? Say, for example a neighbor put up a German flag or the Jolly Roger, or, more pertinent, I ordered a Britney flag on Alibaba and put it out, would there be special rules for when I, I mean they, could do that? […]

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Does the Netherlands have special rules for putting up flags? Say, for example a neighbor put up a German flag or the Jolly Roger, or, more pertinent, I ordered a Britney flag on Alibaba and put it out, would there be special rules for when I, I mean they, could do that? […]

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