In keeping with the many other companies working on commercialization, I have built a track at home in my garden. Just like the other companies in this very real and not at all hype-driven market, I am not focusing on the difficult problems, such as building a ridiculous vacuum tube that doesn’t implode, but focus […]

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This might be a first world problem – a.k.a., the most important kind of problem – but I just received a custom-made doormat I ordered a couple of weeks ago, and I don’t really know what to do with it. I don’t want to clean my shoes on the face of Britney – it just […]

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Relevant Parameters for Testing

I’m working on reporting for my Model-based Testing Workbench.  As part of that, I’ve been considering how to best store test parameters (inputs to the test and results coming out of the test). I was just kind-of going off on my intuition: I need some input parameters in the model domain and in the real-world […]

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Yesterday, I had a conversation with a consultant from another company. He was very surprised when I said that I think “blockchain technology” is a dumb vacuous buzzword invented to milk consultancy hours out of customers. When I explained how and why it works, and how all the dumb things can be replaced with a […]

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