The other day, I installed new smoke detectors. Now, I think I need to change their batteries. Apparently, new sensors are super sensitive to smoke, compared to the old 4-years-past-due ones, so they trigger every time I do anything in the kitchen, but I think I can fix that by putting in some flat batteries. […]

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I think we can all thank Elon‘s Musk for killing off the internal combustion engine car and single-handedly, with the hand of his mind, creating the external combustion engine car. Go, chase those fire trucks and soft pedestrians, you crazy bastard. […]

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Just did and explained a statistical test for a psychology essay. How is your Friday evening? Who would have thunk I’d find a use for my statistical tables after 18 years? I used it to realize statistical tables suck donkey butt compared to just Binging for a calculator. […]

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My favorite part of Brexit is watching the nutters trying to argue that no deal is actually cool and good (even though it was democratically rejected) while another public vote is literally AIDS (because it was already democratically decided to leave). It’s almost as if the conclusion was decided first, and they just tried filling […]

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