Grading exams and waiting for a doctor’s appointment… Maybe this is the excuse I need to do my crunches… […]
Category: Status Updates
10.12.2012 22:59
Seems my fear of the Eindhoven Marathon half-marathon in October was overrated… unplanned but fun! Running 21.2 km in 02:00:49 with 155bpm avg heart rate. Check the route, heart rate and more from […]
Computer Science: Spending a FEW hours to automate a task that will save you MANY minutes! Yeah, I just did that. It was all technology-like, though: It included an Automator script, a bash script, installing and using ImageMagick (and hence GTK), a Java program, and another bash script. […]
I thank for being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2012 today. If anybody deserves it, it is me. I’ll add this to my Time Person of the Year 2006 award, though I’m disappointed they forgot to invite me to the reception. […]
20 written exams on my desk has been very good for my list-of-annoying-todo-items. […]
Ah, the ancient game of “what the hell did I put as Paypal password again?” […]