LTL Model-checking in ASAP

I just finished integrating LTL model-checking into ASAP.  This is joint work with Sami Evangelista and Thomas Vestergaard.  Basically, I've made the translation from LTL to a Büchi automaton, Sami made the nested depth-first checker, and Thomas put it together, added a bunch of utility functions, and made the initial integration into ASAP.  After that […]

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New CD from Alizée

Alizée recently released her fourth album (not counting the live album “Alizée En Concert”), named “Une Enfant du Siècle”, which translated more or less is “A Child of the Century”.  When I say more or less it’s because it’s named similarly to her own artist name, Alizée, which is the feminine form of “alizé” or […]

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