
Somebody really, really wanted me to receive this advertising pamphlet I drunkenly signed up for while visiting Scotland in general and the Ardbeg distillery in particular (a virtual internet-hug to the first who guesses the number of mills they happen to have at Ardbeg). See, the funny thing is in the address.  My real-life address is […]

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WTF is wrong with NRGi (my electricity provider).  Did they just get a truckload of electronical transactions with a best before data in a week?  Why, og why, would anybody even consider making a DKK 0,00 transaction?  Who approved the system that thinks this is a good idea? The positive and negative transactions sort of […]

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Britney Wallpapers

I tried out BumpTop (but decided to scrap it again due to it being a featureless, unstable mess on the Mac).  Previously, I’ve used Wallpaper Clock on my background, but now I decided to try something new.  I therefore went searching for nice Britney wallpapers.  Unfortunately, most available wallpapers either use extremely high contrast ore […]

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