Bitcoin mining causes of as much CO2 as Fiji

Funny fact: last year, Bitcoin mining caused emission of as much CO2 as Fiji. That’s right, some John Galt fantasy money pollutes as much as a country that looks like this. If we had to pick just one, I’d also totally go with the Ron Paul wet dream. […]

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Carbon Footprint of Biking

So, here’s an interesting experiment.  As I start writing this post, I have no idea what the conclusion is going to be.  See, the thing is, I recently started a new job, and like any citizen of the Netherlands I bike there.  The difference is it is roughly 40 km from my home, so on […]

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The Sustainable Energy Scam and the Lack of Perspective

Global warming or not, coal and oil are not the best energy sources. Wouldn’t it be great to use something else like sun or wind? Then why don’t we?

Well, there are a couple reasons. Current sustainable energy sources in the form of solar and wind are quite bad. Furthermore, the current generation is not really renewable either, and we have other options with a bigger positive impact on the environment. […]

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