Online Bibliotheek: 10 miljoenste e-book uitgeleend | Koninklijke Bibliotheek

Neat. Fun fact, I discovered this by accident while working on something entirely unrelated. […]

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ClippyJS – Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia

While digging thru old files yesterday, I found all kinds of gaudy UI shenanigans I made during my PhD (so don’t tell me money spent on higher education is wasted). Aside from common hot-at-the-time things like pie menus and gradients (so many gradients!), I also found my own Java implementation of a Clippy clone. If […]

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It annoys me that when there were doozers in my street repainting the asphalt or whatever busywork they did to ensure we spend all the tax-euros, they didn’t think to photoshop away that big ugly tree which manages to shred foliage all year perfectly aming for my bathroom window, giving me a false choice between […]

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