In keeping with the many other companies working on commercialization, I have built a track at home in my garden. Just like the other companies in this very real and not at all hype-driven market, I am not focusing on the difficult problems, such as building a ridiculous vacuum tube that doesn’t implode, but focus […]

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Yesterday, I had a conversation with a consultant from another company. He was very surprised when I said that I think “blockchain technology” is a dumb vacuous buzzword invented to milk consultancy hours out of customers. When I explained how and why it works, and how all the dumb things can be replaced with a […]

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Thaler, Famed for ‘Nudge’ Theory, Wins Nobel Economics Prize

“Thaler will spend prize money as ‘irrationally as possible’” – it’s the only way to keep it real #MathJokesAreJokesToo […]

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Every Kickstarter backer knows when Chinese New Year is: it’s when a project get’s delayed because the creator forgot about some Chinese holiday, typically Chinese New Year. Chinese Britmas is known by every AliExpress customer. It’s 2 months after ordering whichever when you finally receive your useless shiny (made of amalgamated plutonium) after having forgotten […]

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Amerikaan Richard Thaler wint Nobelprijs voor Economie

Hardly surprising – he was in line to get one after Kahneman and Tveesky. His work is quite wonderful, and if you haven’t read Misbehaving and Nudge, you’re missing out. […]

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