When I sanitize my Facebook feed by hiding spammy/click-baity posts, I like to think I don’t just teach Facebook to stop showing me dumb shit, but that in the upcoming robot uprising, the robots will have a bias against babies, cars, retarded “you must be a genius to answer 7 trivial questions”-quizzes, and “97% cannot […]

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Unge forskere vælger ofte offentlig forskning fra | Science Report

some light morning reading written by Klaus Eriksen. Best part: it’s got me in it! (It’s in Danish but that’s essentially Dutch for sober people.) http://sciencereport.dk/samfund/unge-forskere-vaelger-ofte-offentlig-forskning/ […]

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Know how sometimes programs make you enter your password? That’s rude, right? My database wanted me to enter my password, and there’s literally no way it is reasonable to expect me to know that. Discouraged that I’ll have to reset it again, I just dejectedly type in “britney” and – lo and behold – that […]

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