Travel report: have seen remarkable few turnips so far. Apparently, the entire south of Poland is a big construction site. Presumably building more turnip processing plants. Polish trains are boring and make NS seem modern and fast, but are on time. Time meaning roughly 60 km/hour. Saw two drunk guys in suits on the train. […]

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As I’m preparing (I still have no idea when my flight departs nor have I started packing) for leaving for the suburbs of Russia, aka Poland, I remember the old classic conversationalist masterpiece for connecting with the locals: after they introduce themselves, ask whether they are North Poles or South Poles. Hilarity will ensue and […]

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Forget about minor annoyances like ALS, ISIS, Путин, ebola, poverty and whatnot. If Iceland erupts another dumb volcano, canceling another flight for me forcing me on another 16-hour train-ride through Europa, I say we nuke the island from orbit, flush all evidence down a fiery furnace in a huge burst of irony, all agree it […]

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