Russian Guy Feeds a Big Brown Bear through a Window

I’ve learned a lot from pop music. For example, the Russian word for “alive” is “жив,” which can be transcribed as “shiv” (space invader = sh, mirrored capital n = i, small-caps b = v; Cyrillic makes all kinds of sense). A shiv is basically an improvised knife in prison, so it is obvious why […]

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WireLoad Inc – Annoyingly good software and services.

What do people use on Windows for at-a-glance information? I’m thinking things like my calendar, inbox, stock watch-list, emergency Britney, RescueTime stats, Remedy tickets. Maybe some VMware ESX and WordPress stats. And a button to nuke Sweden. It seems the whole Gadgets thing got more or less yanked out, and Konfabulator doesn’t seem to be […]

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