I’m seriously impressed by my mailman! And not just because he brings me Britney stuff on a weekly basis, though it helps. Tonight, he was ending his shift by dropping packets he couldn’t deliver off at the post office. He saw me biking past, and drove after me to deliver the package he had tried […]

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Before Instagram, Instagram Effects Were Automatic

Been setting up the new Photos app, which includes synchronizing a bunch of old photo albums. I stumbled over a bunch of old scans of analog photos from the 90s and wanted to share… I’ve tried to clean the pictures somewhat, but couldn’t be bothered to do much more than half-assedly improve the colors and […]

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Why is date arithmetic seemingly so hard for people? In the next 12 months there’s just 4 simple special cases to handle (switch to DST on March 29, Leap second on June 30 (I guess most of you didn’t know about that one), switch from DST on October 25, and leap year on February 29 […]

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