Was spending most of the day putting together roughly 10 building blocks talking to some poorly documented PHP code. Didn’t do a single test all day (because nobody wants to nor should be forced to talk to PHP code). I put everything together, compile and launch: lo and behold – it actually runs correctly the […]

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With the inflation of rhetoric, I think we need some new words to compensate. I don’t think I overexaggerate when I say there is literally to the letter billions of better than Jesus reasons to introduce a fourth degree of adjectives, the extreeeeemetive. In the boring “regular” form it adds an impressive adverb of degree […]

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Ah, my old landlord. If not for the old adage “do not attribute to evil that which is sufficiently explained by incompetence,” they would be a witty carricature of a cartoonishly cackling, crotch-laserin’, shark wielding, cat-stroking Johnny English super-villain. First, they moved and forgot to tell us, making it hard to get a hold of […]

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