I got You are younger than 18! Quiz: Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Favorite Disney Movie? | Quiz

Honestly, any quiz which doesn’t essentially say “8” unless you pick the secret option “none,” is wrong… https://ohmy.disney.com/quiz/2016/09/14/quiz-can-we-guess-your-age-based-on-your-favorite-disney-movie/?cmp=smc%7C583630960 […]

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Bayer dicht bij monsterovername Monsanto van $66 mrd

Finger crossed this finally goes thru. Would be excellent for my evil-portfolio performance this year. Stock markets don’t seem to have believed in this the past 2-3 months. https://fd.nl/economie-politiek/1167347/bayer-dicht-bij-monsterovername-monsanto-van-66-mrd […]

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