Élection présidentielle 2017 : infos sur les candidats, sondages… Le Monde.fr

Best possible result. Not only is Macron in the lead, but the two left-behind (ha!) left-wingers, in what must be a complete chock to Berniebros, suggest maybe voting for the moderate candidate, now they don’t get their socialist paradise, instead of the off-the-charts-batshit one. France might join the Netherlands as one of the sane ones, […]

Read More… from Élection présidentielle 2017 : infos sur les candidats, sondages… Le Monde.fr

Best possible result. Not only is Macron in the lead, but the two left-behind (ha!) left-wingers, in what must be a complete chock to Berniebros, suggest maybe voting for the moderate candidate, now they don’t get their socialist paradise, instead of the off-the-charts-batshit one. France might join the Netherlands as one of the sane ones, […]

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