I have this app, Cardiogram, which is trying to trick me into better habits like “daily bike ride” or “no coffee after 2pm.” Here’s my Kickstarter pitch: the same, but with realistic goals for real people, like “daily 30 minutes away from the telly,” “no cocaine after 11pm” or “no liquor stronger than whisky before […]

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Know how some shows are so bad, they 180 and are actually good? SClub7 in Miami is like that, except it goes full circle. Tied for most cringe-worthy scenes: the time travel episode where a bunch of 90s kids comment on how bad 70s clothing is, and the episode with a lawsuit settled by spontaneous […]

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Having just rewatched Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain, I’m thinking a week of Jean-Pierre Jeunet movies would be in order, so now I just need to find a place that sells La Cité des Enfants Perdus and a way to explain away Alien: Resurrection as “not a proper Jeunet movie” so I don’t have to […]

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