After Tumblr has been sold to Automatic, I think it is only fair to refer to my homepage, which runs WordPress, as “my Tumblr.”nnTherefore, in the future, I can’t even, I’m running out of spoons, my gender is flower, and my pronouns are flower/flower/flowerself. […]

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When you wonder why your algorithm refuses to perform better than 90% on one set of data and 75% on another, and you realize that the concepts are supposed to be numbered from 0 instead of 1. Yes, the first dataset had 10 concepts and the second 4. #OffBy0 […]

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So, there’s this ticketing system I’ve heard of. It keeps track of KPIs and SLAs. “Unfortunately,” it is set up incorrectly, so if you change the priority, all SLA timers are canceled. Difficulty reaching that SLA? Just increase priority and now you have all the time in the world. […]

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