Fun facts: the British islands are named after pop sensation Britney Spears. The “brexit” everybody is talking about refer to the fact that Britney is terminating her Las Vegas residency at Planet Hollywood. Britney is 1/4 British (her grandmother was born in England), yet she still against genetics has pretty teeth. […]
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I swear iTunes felt that I’m wearing all black today… Two Britpop wrist-cutting Emo bands in a row – is it even legal to play Suede in the year 2017? […]
Since Google Finance doesn’t exist anymore, does anybody have a good alternative? I want to store portfolio information and be able to see portfolio movements during the day (what each instrument does times my holding and the sum of these), preferably also keeping track of transactions. I need it just to be able to see […]
Sumo Cyco
You should watch this. And get their “new” album Opus Mar if you haven’t got it already. Great music and real cool people (the lead singer is the lovely woman in my profile picture). […]
Bitcoin lol. A flashcrash followed by the predictable mysterious downtime of all exchanges and issuing of more tethers. But really guys, it’s a stable product and it’s completely sane to invest in. […]
Isn’t evolution just survivorship bias combined with eugenics? […]