Is it a sign you order too much online, when the post office bartender doesn’t just recognize you, but also calls you out by name? And follows up saying she thinks there’s just one package today. […]
Author: status
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New record.
Oh hey, I just got this new record. It’s pretty great – I’m sure that someday she’ll be famous 🙂 (It's the very pretty Urban Outfitters special edition the entire Britney fan base is pining for this week – only 2500 made) […]
A good performance test is a performance test where you trigger the DDoS protection. […]
Why do people keep talking about literal nazis in the US? I’m pretty sure they don’t exist – why would they? Hitler burned all the books. […]
Not the shortest distance between two points
Pictured: not the shortest distance between two points. Like, not by a longshot. Holy Britney, Swiss Post, what are you guys smoking? […]
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I have identified the biggest challenge for humanity in the next decade: redefine colors so they match up properly with the kind of food bearing them. For example, I just made an improvised dish cosisting of mushrooms in a blue cheese sauce with rice and quinoa. This obviously falls under the category “brown food,” yet […]