Sometimes I wonder whether there is such a thing as taking an analogy too far? I am puzzling with a bit of refactoring for my model-based testing tool, and need to rename my “tests” because now they will just be building blocks for larger composite systems for running scenarios. Then I went along these lines: […]
Author: status
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Guess what I forgot…
Fuck! Guess what I forgot. This is what happens when you don’t out things in your calendar. No meters of beer for you! […]
I think Donald J. Trump would be a better president if his last name had more h’es in it. They could be put pretty much everywhere. Thrump. Trumph. Truhmp. […]
Is cultural appropriation of abbreviations a thing we should be woke about? Because if so, I think the testing community is imposing on the model-checking community with behavior-driven development (BDD). #shaking #culturalappropriation #iliterallycant #sjw #binarydecisiondiagramlivesmatter #notenoughspoons #notmyabbreviation #kony2020 […]
I’m hoping for really cold weather
I’m hoping for really cold weather soon, so I can justify wearing my new winter gear. […]
Fact: if you put an s in front of halloween, it becomes shallow-een. If your remove the h, it becomes all-ow!-een. […]