How to you spell the genitive of the golden arches? McDoland’s’? McDonald’s’s? How about the genitive of the plural? McDonald’ses’s? Sounds like a fricking enemy race in Stargate. […]
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Britney Witch Tee
A little something-something to go with your Urban Outfitters Oops costume for carnaval-in-October? […]
Know how sometimes programs make you enter your password? That’s rude, right? My database wanted me to enter my password, and there’s literally no way it is reasonable to expect me to know that. Discouraged that I’ll have to reset it again, I just dejectedly type in “britney” and – lo and behold – that […]
Tesla is ‘ponzi-schema van beloften’
Wut?!? It turns out that Elon Musk once again is just full of hot air? That can’t be! Nobody could have foreseen this. but I’m sure it’ll be different for his physics defying rehash of a 100 years old idea, his time-warping space exploration plans, or his subway company built on not believing that drilling […]
I just passed a cyber security training. I fees like an absolute expert in cyber security now. If you have any cyber security questions, I feel secure that I can cyber answer them. Cyber. […]
Skeletor won. We no longer have the power. The trains are not doing anything. And I’ll soon have been sitting with a flat laptop in trains for 2.5 hours. […]