Ketosis, thy name is spinning before dinner but after skipping breakfast (and lunch). […]
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Interesting. Pessimistic are on average more right than optimistic people. Not because they are right more often, but because their pessimism counters the optimism bias, making them less systematically wrong. […]
Poppy – Let’s Make A Video (Official Video)
Gotta love the overt subtle Illuminati references. And the pink Macintoshes. […]
Sometimes the bar for what constitutes “news” is VERY low… […]
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It seems that has fixed that most grave of errors that prevented them from shipping to the Netherlands. […]
I think one of our big failings, as a society is that we don’t replace any word that sounds vaguely like sauce by sauce. Kim-Jong Whatever shot off another load early? Why can’t he be nice like Sauce Korea? The main sauce of problems in society is the uneven distribution of the goods. Sauceialism now! […]