If we amortize the number of jesuses over the entire Easter, we literally celebrate nothing happened to a fictional person. I hope we get days off next week to celebrate that Donald Duck didn’t suddenly turn lucky or that Lucky Luke still is faster than his own shadow. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
SourceTree is a posterchild for Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky’s systems thinking popularized in Thinking, Fast and Slow. By making things cumbersome and non-intuitive, we can switch from the automatic part of our brain (system 1) to the analytical part (system 2) which allows us to work slower. SourceTree facilitates this by making a major […]
Basic research that matters! […]
Wetenschappers onthullen oorzaak van losrakende schoenveters
Basic research that matters! http://www.nu.nl/wetenschap/4616616/wetenschappers-onthullen-oorzaak-van-losrakende-schoenveters.html?redirect=1 […]
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Chocolate Fully Made in Africa Goes Organic
This is charity I can get behind. Support African farmers and get chocolate in the process. The support is real support (purchase actual products) instead of feel-good donations with little or no long-term effect. The same guys did a previous Kickstarter (which I also backed), which did actually deliver (almost) on time, so there’s no […]
Spent around 4 hours in meetings this afternoon. The most important take-away is a point I and another architect quickly agreed on: never let drinking whisky affect your coding, nor vice versa. […]