I think we need a new word for whatever it is that birds do in the morning. Calling it singing is one step closer to calling Xtina’s quips singing, and let’s not go there. Going instead with “squeaking” captures some of the Monday at 6 after DST annoyance, whereas “screaming” indicates just how badly it […]

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Interesting mental exercise: trying to argue why arguments for allowing/disallowing encryption are different when used for allowing/disallowing guns. Sure, accidental encryption is less fatal than accidental gunning, but other than that the arguments seem quite objectively similar even if they feel different. […]

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Calling this a publication might be overselling it

Sure, Google scholar, that’s a thing we made, but calling it a publication might be overselling it just a little bit… (it was a presentation we did as part of a course on software verification) […]

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Dear Amazon Prime Video (and from what I recall, Netflix too), you really need a “no, fuck you” button which actually, immediately, and perpetually removes shit from your recommendations for me. I have half a mind to cancel my subscription the next time you try goading me into watching shitty Grand Tour or Seinfeld or […]

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Today, I learned that we apparently now use a different kind of screws to mount hard disks than we did 25 years ago. I’m disappointed I cannot mount my hot-swappable 2 TB 2.5″ hard disk using the same mechanics I used to mount a 10 MB 5.25″ full height drive in the early 90s. I’m […]

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