Am I the only one who insists, whenever I’m given the option to set a custom profile picture, on finding the worst possible one? […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Today is simultaneously the worst day ever and the best day ever. On the upside, I had cake twice, but on the downside, there’s none of the drinkable tea left, so I have to make due with English breakfast tea. […]
Profile picture
Am I the only one who insists, whenever I’m given the option to set a custom profile picture, on finding the worst possible one? […]
Things that brighten up a meeting: making jokes about lack of power while sitting at a power plant and the hosts being unable to switch on the lights. […]
Quite happy about the direct line to Aarhus (shortens the time to get to Cockney Pub by 3-4 hours)! If only it were a better airline… […]
Nested Transactions and Dining Philosophers
So, here’s an interesting Java issue I came about last week. Java EE supports annotating methods using an @Transactional annotation. If you’re familiar with it, it’s similar to the synchronized keyword except on the database level. It also is if you’re not familiar with synchronized. Transactional supports setting how transactions should be picked up – […]