Machine-generated news articles have come a long way: “Shares of NYSE:WPG surged 0.00% to $9.40.” […]
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Proof reading: writing little squiggles in red pen on paper with text to prove you have read it. […]
Damn. Now my essay is 1515 words out of 1250. Guess it’s better than the last one where I had to pad it with around 200 words. I could proof-read it and tighten language here and there, or I could just cut out the paragraph about how women are discriminated against. That would be delightfully […]
Was wondering if something Jesusy was happening today, what with the US markets not updating. Turns out, I was pretty much right. It’s Gread Leader and President Donald Trump’s Day. […]
It’s a sad state of affairs when sneaking out for a quick phone meeting is both more interesting and productive than what you’re otherwise doing. […]
In keeping with the best-practice of mentioning the most important things first, I now know how to 1) change my password (and the password policy) 2) add favorites 3) customize the colors I’m learning! […]