Standup Meeting
How I feel about agile in 3 panels. […]
How I feel about agile in 3 panels. […]
Conjecture: “United” is the “Democratic” of the 2010s. The “United” Kingdom, “United” States of America, and “United” Nations stand together, like democracy was a defining part of the Deutsche “Demokratische” Republik and the République “Démocratique” du Congo. […]
You just know that when Engels is cited unironically within the first 5 pages of a chapter, it’s going to be a good chapter. […]
Got myself a weather station which makes time-lapse videos of the sky. That, or it’s am expensive device spitting out 3-frame repeating gifs of rain. […]
Got myself a weather station which makes time-lapse videos of the sky. That, or it's an expensive device spitting out 3-frame repeating gifs of rain. […]
When I reached the chapter about sports and hegemonic masculinity, the irony hit me like the backside of a hand the soft chin of a redhead adoptee. […]