I remember teaching about personal area networks (PANs) a decade ago. And now they’re against all expectations an actual thing: my watch communities wirelessly with my phone, which fetches music over the phone network, and streams it wirelessly to my headphones. At the same time, my phone is in contact with my house keys to […]
Author: status
Posts by status
The best thing about sub-zero temperatures is that typing on your computer in the train feels super-weird because your fingers have lost all sense of feeling from the bike-ride there. […]
Youtube is educational. I just watched a video and learned that now you can get window cleaning robots for just £100. Then I watched another one about isolation and boredom, and now I’ve ordered a window cleaning robot. […]
LOL, who remembers their class on functional programming? Use a fucking accumulator and continuation to make your regexp matcher tail-recursive so it doesn’t cause stack-overflows! Or just, you know, make and optimize a finite automaton like a normal person instead of making a (recursive) matcher, you dolts! java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.RegularExpression.matchString(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.RegularExpression.matchString(Unknown Source) […]
I’m multi-tasking! […]