Yahoo yesterday announced that over billion accounts have had their details. “Hundreds of people might be affected,” Yahoo comments, “and a billion spambots.” None of them cared or remembered they had a Yahoo account, except for one unhappy user, who took directly to MySpace to vent their frustration. […]

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Dear diary, Today I’m writing documentation. One functional design and one technical design down, two more technical designs to go. Expect to hear from me. Like, a lot. A lot a lot. On an unrelated note, I wonder if anybody would notice if I sneak in “magic” on the list of technologies used…? […]

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Automatic time tracking with RescueTime rules! On what is on paper my last working day of the year, here’s some stats for 2016: Software development: 640 hours Outlook: 305 hours Meetings: 152 hours Skype meetings: 66 hours Fighting with our ticketing system and time registration: 66 hours Word: 54 hours Phone calls: 10 hours […]

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SpaceX Has Delayed First Manned NASA Launch to 2018 from 2017

Wut? An Elon Musk company has delayed a planned deadline?!? That must be the first time, and I’m sure it’s a perfectly good idea to trust him on all his other plans. […]

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