In case you didn’t know, tonight’s full moon is a supermoon. That means it is larger than it has been in the past 69 years. I can confirm that. […]
In case you didn’t know, tonight’s full moon is a supermoon. That means it is larger than it has been in the past 69 years. I can confirm that. […]
Maybe this is what all those eco-freaks are always raving about? Don’t eat Fabergé eggs! […]
Second most anticipated album release of 2016. It’s good. And autographed 😍 […]
Cherry-picking your comparisons. And replace posh with sporty. […]
Purchase recommendation algorithms will forever amuse me. Sure, I get the electronics suggestion. The glittery whatever that is is a natural consequence of my phone case purchases. The bedding makes sense – I ordered some sheets last week. The Frozen thing? Could perhaps be inferred from my purchases? I suppose? But two convenient cases of […]
…Baby One More Time was released 6604 days ago today, or exactly how old I was on that October day in 1998. That means that going forward, I will have been a Britney Spears fan for more than half of my life. […]