Uh oh, better heed the warning hidden in this page of apparent gibberish… https://libraryofbabel.info/bookmark.cgi?eippejjqt204 […]
Uh oh, better heed the warning hidden in this page of apparent gibberish… https://libraryofbabel.info/bookmark.cgi?eippejjqt204 […]
Business plan: We set up a server farm running predictors. By predictors I mean something that throws dice using a pseudo-random number generator with different seeds. Each predictor is identified by its seed. After a time, some of them will have correctly predicted something (be it elections, sports, the weather, …) We then pick one […]
Neat. We make the software that check this 🙂 http://www.nu.nl/internet/4348787/bibliotheken-mogen-e-books-net-als-papieren-boeken-uitlenen.html?redirect=1 […]
Read More… from Bibliotheken mogen e-books net als papieren boeken uitlenen
LADYBABY is not really the same without Ladybeard… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuNXiUyQRZ0 […]
I hope Donald Trump wins the US election and here’s why: First, he’s a ton more fun than Hillary. He’d make politics much more amusing than some boring politician that’s pretty much a continuation of the Obama regime and Clinton regime in one. Second, it doesn’t matter who’s actually in office; Obama has had a […]
The most important choice of the day: do I fetch another cup of tea, or do I go for hot chocolate? […]