I do a lot of my notes/todos the old-fashioned way, and accidentally invented the triple-v. It’s like the w but with 50% more v goodness. It offers a 33% productivity improvement in typing the www part of URLs and can even triple your productivity if you work at the VVV with the sole responsibility of […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Great – it’s that time again. Where to go for TLS certificates? Need around 10 or so. Would prefer support for wildcards and multiple domains in one certificate. Don’t want to pay a fortune. StartCom is no longer an option after the take-over by WoSign and imminent removal from most trust-stores. Let’s Encrypt is annoying […]
Машани – Мой Путин [new Czech subs]
In war, truth is not the first casualty. Subtlety is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v6Jw9rsWCE Propaganda can also be completely outlandish to the point of hilarity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-DxQi1X76c Or outright heart-clinching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYSmmpaEeN0 A nice touch is that the Russian version of the last one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihhjdfn6-a8) has a (slightly) different ending. And advertises Ukrainian subtitles. Luckily English-language media can cut thru […]
Super interesting watch for everybody who unironically thinks music is worse/people are more superficial/whatever other old-people gobbledigook than in “the good old days.” (the thumbnail is not really representative) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD0x7ho_IYc […]
Aliexpress.com : Buy Hot Sale Durable Stainless Steel Commercial Manual Tomato Slicer Multi Chopper Slicing Cutter Machine Kitchen Tools from Reliable machine tool lathe suppliers on Stonehomeway
Hahaha! A €150 tomato julienner. Down from €250. For the kitchen with too few overpriced single-use appliances. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/32335725040/32335725040.html […]
Oh hey, that’s a thing that happened. Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. Never heard much from D&P after that tour… […]