Dear Apple, please stop accepting app updates whose release notes can be summarized as “we continuously update the application, download and see what has changed.” Facebook is of course the original sinner and biggest perpetrator, but others are following suit. A couple applications that did great release notes recently come from Slack, The Omni Group, […]
Author: status
Posts by status
The Real Danger of Artificial Intelligence
When most people think of the dangers of artificial intelligence, this is probably more or less what comes to mind: Computer-literates and paranoids might raise (legitimate) privacy concerns and mention uncomfortable cases like the teenager whose parents learned she was pregnant when a machine learning algorithm started sending her parenting advertisements based on her purchasing […]
If I Were More Mature I’d be Methuselah
Hats off for Withings – their customer support excellent – less than an hour after I sent a mail to their support, I got a response from Victor, who shall remain anonymous. I tried ordering again but with initially little luck. In the end, my order went thru, and I decided to share my experience […]
I Handled that Maturely
A bunch of time ago, I ordered a Withings scale which can connect to the internet. I’ve been largely happy with it, and when they released a new one a couple months ago, I had half a mind to get one, but it was conveniently never included in their (rather frequent) promotions, and even I […]
I’m not entirely sure what this left-overs thing I made for dinner is, except I know it’s French: it contains wine and cheese, and is a bit of a chicken. […]
Theory: when people claim that “curiosity killed the cat,” they are not talking about some sentient Mars-Roomba with murderous tendencies, but rather try to cover up their own psychopathic tendencies and the fact that they themselves put kitty in the microwave. […]