Author: status
Posts by status
Sooo, I signed up for university… Just evenings and weekends for the fun of it. Two internet points to whoever can guess the subject. […]
Funny statistics fact: cats cure nazism. Number of Hitlers before international cat day: 1. Number of Hitlers after international cat day was introduced: 0 (a 100% decline). Yes, international cat day is apparently a thing and it’s happening today. Thanks international cat day for solving nazism! […]
Isn’t Scandinavia supposed to be the happiest country in the world? Fuck your depressions causing shitty weather! […]
That’s Thursday 22:00 in civilized parts of the world. You want this. […]
It took 9 months, but the end I killed the roses. Which never produced a single flower. Now I have a popcorn field instead. Bring on the creepy children and he who walks behind the rows. […]