It took 9 months, but the end I killed the roses. Which never produced a single flower. Now I have a popcorn field instead. Bring on the creepy children and he who walks behind the rows. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Two tired Britney memes in one: Neyde and Radar :-)
You know you want to…
I guess we might as well get the season started.
Insanely Large Numbers
Let’s talk about large numbers, why don’t we? Have you ever thought of what the largest number is? 7? 19? 21 perhaps? The computer scientists might smugly insist on 1 and a couple nerds out there will try to say 42 while laughing at themselves and thinking to themselves how clever they are for out-nerding […]
Britney Spears – Make Me… ft. G-Eazy
I appreciate the shout-out Britney Spears gives to me in this video 🙂 But honestly, isn’t it a bit boring? I hope “sexy” isn’t going to be the entire thing in the #Glory era. Lots of very handsome guys and gals in the video, very sexy song, and the private show stripper song is also […]