Holy crap! That’s quite surprising news! That’s more or less the opposite of what I expected when I saw her update this morning: #FreeKesha […]
Holy crap! That’s quite surprising news! That’s more or less the opposite of what I expected when I saw her update this morning: #FreeKesha […]
Holy crap! That’s quite surprising news! That’s more or less the opposite of what I expected when I saw her update this morning: #FreeKesha […]
Exciting! As this is her first September release, I’m certain she’s aiming for my birthday. Any guesses for when it I will leak and get an emergency “surprise early stream release on iTunes?” […]
Exciting! As this is her first September release, I’m certain she’s aiming for my birthday. Any guesses for when it I will leak and get an emergency “surprise early stream release on iTunes?” […]
Spent most of the day weighing my options: buying a new scanner or bothering to look for the charger. Turns out, the charger was lying right next to it. Now, I’m instead struggling with deciding between getting a new scanner or accepting/somehow magically solving that the USB cable is inconveniently short. […]
When you think about it, people are really just bad approximations of mathematical models. […]