Great news! I got a mosquito bite on my ass. This, combined with the strong conviction that the best treatment for mosquito bites is furious and constant scratching, is sure to never cause any weird situations. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Hehe, Ilio’s is setting up a pool in the street. […]
Being Youtube partner is fun AND profitable. At the going rate, I’ll be able to afford a pint with my Youtube earnings in a little less than half a year. That’s almost two pints a year or more than a hundred pints over a lifetime! […]
Sometimes even I get amazed by my genius!
Sometimes even I get amazed by my genius! NOW, I’m ready for the beach! […]
Why think when you have Facebook?
Using the classical “why think when you have Facebook,” I was wondering if anybody can spot the mistake in the translation. I know THAT it is wrong, just not where. […]