Stress-testing the Wifi
Stress-testing the Wifi (or rearranging files). […]
Stress-testing the Wifi (or rearranging files). […]
Cleaning up, I’ve so far found: 4 expired credit cards, left-over drink tokens from 6 separate occasions, flyers for 3 events I promised to go to but didn’t, 3 lighters, 2 Philips shavers, 3 pink iPhone covers, 2 empty water bottles, 7 ballpoint pens, an iPad (it’s the same one I found last time I […]
Observation: these are not the sandals I wore last week. #excitingshoerelatednews […]
Spent 45 minutes in a shower getting clean on the outside; did 3 loads of laundry and sorted another 4 loads; cleaned up 2 rooms. Pretty good for somebody with an annoying cold. Time to do some spiritual cleansing at the office. […]
Don’t think I’ve ever been this fast at unpacking after travel, but then again I don’t think I’ve ever been so afraid my clothes may plot to attach me in the night. […]
I’d again like to extend my gratitude to NS for making my trip longer and more cumbersome. At least it smells less bad (I refuse to say better) than the train from the festival. […]