True fact: the effect of playing RUA with ‘t Dondert en ‘t Bliksemt as background music is a little weird. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
Fricking families and their hell-spawn! Had to stay in line for 5 minutes because somebody brought a bunch of nimwits to the priority check in! […]
Seems T-Mobile changed their name
Seems T-Mobile changed their name. Quite catchy and suitable too! […]
Made sure to get a head-start at Roskilde Festival by acquiring a mild case of diarrhea in Italy, mild hangovers at Dommel 18, have Twan spill some vodka on my shorts, and refrain from shaving for a day. […]
It’s a scientific fact that if you prefix any made-up bullshit by “scient-” it will sound plausible to gullible idiots. Case in point, Scientology and this status update. […]
Booze: check; Clothes: meh; toothbrush, deodorant, tooth paste: I’ll get that at the airport. As the old saying goes: time for a beer. […]