As I’m packing, I only hope I can fit in all my shoes. And by shoes, I mean bottles of booze. […]
Author: status
Posts by status
For this next feature, we’d like to welcome… Michael! With his monster hit, “Porter.” Thank you, thank you! ♫ There only two kinds of beer in the world, The ones that I can drink, and the alcohol free, Well baby, I’m a let’s-get-a-round kind of guy, Don’t like the dry heat, gotta quench thirst. ♫ […]
Enjoying the last day where personal hygiene is more than a pipe dream to return to Denmark for an unspecified amount of time (8 days a week). Denmark, the land where beer flows in the streets, where the scent of sweet tobacco emits from every second residence, where hobos steal our drinking vessels, where noisy […]
I may have gotten RUA thumbs. My thumbs hurt from playing too much… […]
Order one teeny tiny beer on the plane and *sound of baseball bat smashing the soft bones of an infant skull* you’re put in the box if people wanting a salty snack (as opposed to a sweet one). […]
Robot Unicorn Attack 2
Great new feature: customizable unicorns! Guess which one I use…? […]