Important phrases when playing IKEA-LEGO
Important phrases when playing IKEA-LEGO: “Stop! Hammer time!” and “There! I nailed it!” […]
Important phrases when playing IKEA-LEGO: “Stop! Hammer time!” and “There! I nailed it!” […]
A question for the ages: why do people in Ikea manuals look so happy? […]
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I’m awake in pretty much the same way a rock isn’t. […]
My cava is empty, Dommel 18 opens in a couple minutes. You put two and two together. (Also, the “listening to” goes out to Carmen, Mihaela, and Bogdan. ;-p ) […]
With Facebook EMO edition, I’m gonna live-cast my feelings all night as I descend into drunkenness. I’m sure that’ll be a hoot for everybody. […]