I think somebody is conducting a Pavlovian experiment on me. Every time I wash my hands after going to the toilet, I get a shock. Either I pick up a lot of static walking 10 meters to the toilet, something’s improperly grounded (I like the idea of improperly grounded pissoirs…), or somebody’s conducting an experiment […]

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Living in 3 different countries really taxes your wallet space. I now have one side (6 cards) for health insurance cards (not counting my Danish one which I for some reason got even though I shouldn’t), 1 side for employee cards (3 cards), 2 sides for customer cards (8 cards), 2 sides for payment/credit cards […]

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Living in 3 different countries really taxes your wallet space. I now have one side (6 cards) for health insurance cards (not counting my Danish one which I for some reason got even though I shouldn’t), 1 side for employee cards (3 cards), 2 sides for customer cards (8 cards), 2 sides for payment/credit cards […]

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