It is wrong that my first reaction to getting a Windows Core box was to look up 4DOS? […]
Category: Status Updates
The French paradox: I get why the gilets jaunes are on strike – I mean, aside from Marianne, chanson, foie gras, and cheese, what could be more French? But why are they still striking? Somewhere else on that “top 10 most French things” list, you’d expect to see “surrendering.” […]
Why is my Britney Spears feed full of superbowl shit? She played basketball, not bowling. #feighningignoranceaboutsportsmakesyoulookintellergent […]
Funny fact: in the Southern hemisphere, seasons are reversed from here. That means that their working season is Saturday and Sunday, while their weekend is Monday-Friday. […]
I find it cute that people in northern England are kind-of named after an alcoholical beverage – they are not real scotch, they are just Scottish. […]
Oooh, tomorrow is Groundhog Day. And, I guess, so is The Day After Tomorrow. […]