Ugh, this week’s chapter is about the self and its relation to nature. It uses the same arguments as paeleo diets but for the mind, and is based on evolutionary psychology, a branch with as much scientific credibility as phrenology. #notamused […]
Category: Status Updates
Today, I truly felt the pain of the peasants during the French revolution: I had just finished studying a chapter, a feat i always celebrate, but I was all out of cake!! […]
If you count the number of world wars in this century (0 milliwars/year), we are far behind the last one (20 milliwars/year). Heck, by this time last century, they had already completed one. Hey, Donald J. Trump, Vladímir Putin called you a scaredy-pants no-good Cheeto. Are you going to stand for that? […]
Now, we can say if you did not listen to BOMT at 20, you have no heart. If you do not listen to BOMT at 40, you have no brain. […]
Guess what my FB feed has been looking like all day… […]
Britney Spears Philippines […]