I’m contemplating replacing the roof on my garage and putting on some solar panels. Anybody has experience with what that would cost and how much power I would be able to produce? My garage is about garage-sized and there’s a small garden shed next to it I would do the same to. And would I […]
Category: Status Updates
I may have just prostituted myself. And not in that good crack-whore kind-of-way. I just wrote this paragraph in a mail: If you want to buzzword it up, each of the lines is identified with a hash value that serves as a signature. We can provide the hash values with release notes. That works the […]
Funniest One Chip Challenge Ever (World’s Hottest Chip)
Hard to say whether his suffering is the better part, or her clearly enjoying making fun of him… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7a8qyJ5W74 […]
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For a fun-time activity, try implementing date difference in XSLT version 1.0. […]
Vloerversie van Pong is speelbaar door te lopen
Somebody made a meat-space version of a computer version of a table version of a game about beating balls with a stylized cooking pan. https://www.nu.nl/228762/video/vloerversie-van-pong-is-speelbaar-door-te-lopen.html […]
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Let the Lames Begin
In Сочи we could at least laugh at how miserable everything was. http://www.bugmartini.com/comic/let-the-lames-begin/ […]