Whenever I see a LinkedIn profile mentioning being “passionate” about the agile fad of the week, this is what comes to mind. Oh, you’re passionate about deep learning in IoT on the blockchain? Well, I’m passionate about sofas. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz2-49q6DOI […]
Category: Status Updates
I named my new work laptop after Katy Perry’s cat. That’s quite a step up after my last one, which was named after Xtina. […]
That moment when you are testing a database rollback mechanism and carefully set up a test to introduce a database corruption, but accidentally forget to connect to the right VPN and instead introduce a real database corruption. Thank Britney my rollback mechanism worked. […]
I’m thinking I should get a management position. One of those really ambiguous ones: CCO. Is he a Chief of Cake Operations or Chief of Chocolate Operations? Nobody knows! […]
The past couple of weeks have been good for paranoid data policies: About a month ago, I started the migration of my backups to Amazon Glazier. Two weeks ago, my work laptop did Windows things, and our service desk will still not give me the data on the HD so I’ve had to rely on […]
Just learned that there’s no 2017 wipe. Sad! […]