Sure, Google scholar, that’s a thing we made, but calling it a publication might be overselling it just a little bit… (it was a presentation we did as part of a course on software verification) […]
Category: Status Updates
Dear Amazon Prime Video (and from what I recall, Netflix too), you really need a “no, fuck you” button which actually, immediately, and perpetually removes shit from your recommendations for me. I have half a mind to cancel my subscription the next time you try goading me into watching shitty Grand Tour or Seinfeld or […]
Today, I learned that we apparently now use a different kind of screws to mount hard disks than we did 25 years ago. I’m disappointed I cannot mount my hot-swappable 2 TB 2.5″ hard disk using the same mechanics I used to mount a 10 MB 5.25″ full height drive in the early 90s. I’m […]
This is brilliant! So convenient. […]
Enjoy your OCD. […]
“Smart” pen
This is brilliant! So convenient. […]