Turns out I’ve been pronouncing it wrong all my life. The channel is in general great for optimizing your pronunciation of difficult words. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d3_DjiLLDfo […]
Category: Status Updates
Today I received various orders from the Internet. Of the 5 packages, one landed in my mailbox, two at two different neighbors, and the remaining two at two different post offices. Why do we even bother pretending we have delivery to the door? […]
Standup Meeting
How I feel about agile in 3 panels. http://dilbert.com/strip/2017-02-07 […]
Conjecture: “United” is the “Democratic” of the 2010s. The “United” Kingdom, “United” States of America, and “United” Nations stand together, like democracy was a defining part of the Deutsche “Demokratische” Republik and the République “Démocratique” du Congo. […]
You just know that when Engels is cited unironically within the first 5 pages of a chapter, it’s going to be a good chapter. […]
Got myself a weather station which makes time-lapse videos of the sky. That, or it’s am expensive device spitting out 3-frame repeating gifs of rain. […]